Conference – Presentations

Essouid, W., Bouillass, G., Trébucq, S., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2024). Comptabilité TD-ABC et Analyse Sociale de Cycle de Vie: une analyse de leur intégration possible au travers d’une étude de cas. MCV 2024: Management Du Cycle de Vie.
Essouid, W., Bouillass, G., Trébucq, S., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2024). Comment mieux intégrer les impacts sociaux aux outils d’aide à la décision? Atelier Thématique Annuel EcoSD 2024.
Gaalich, I., Hayagan, N., Aymonier, C., Croguennec, L., Sonnemann, G., Olchowka, J., Philippot, G., & Loubet, P. (2024). Direct recycling of Li-ion batteries: environmental assessment and optimization. RS2E Biannual Meeting in Pau.
Erradhouani, B., Loubet, P., Coma, V., & Sonnemann, G. (2024). Biobased polymers: substitution without compromise? Role and challenges of LCA for food packaging. Congrès Management Du Cycle de Vie. MCV 2024, Lille, France.
Loubet, P., Benoist, A., Mariette, J., & Estevez-Torres, A. (2024). Towards a Comprehensive Assessment of Research Environmental Impacts: From Mono to Multi Criteria. Colloque Labos 1point5. Empreinte environnementale et soutenabilité des activités de recherche, Paris, France.
Gaalich, I., Hayagan, N., Aymonier, C., Croguennec, L., Sonnemann, G., Olchowka, J., Philippot, G., & Loubet, P. (2024). Life cycle assessment of an innovative process assisted by pressurized CO2 for the direct recycling of lithium-ion battery positive electrode production scraps. 20th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2024) in Maribor.
Loubet, P., Gombert-Courvoisier, S., Godinaud, J., Coquerelle, M., Collin, A., & Vincent, A. (2024). Conception de travaux pratiques sur l’ACV : l’intérêt du triptyque gestion environnementale des campus, recherche et enseignement. ETES 2024.
Kamali, A. K., Larrate, B., & Sonnemann, G. (2024). The Role of Lab-scale LCA in Supporting Green Innovations: The Case of Antisolvents for the Perovskite Solar Cell Production. The 4th Life Cycle Innovation Conference.
Kamali, A. K., Laratte, B., & Sonnemann, G. (2024). Is Corporate Growth Sabotaging Sustainability Goals? A Case Study of Photochromic Textiles. SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting.
Koyamparambath, A., Young, S., & Sonnemann, G. (2023, February). Incorporating conflict risk of minerals and metals supply into life cycle assessment. The First Edition of International Round Table on Materials Criticality Conference.
Kamali, A. K., Lee, D., & Sonnemann, G. (2023). Predicting the environmental impacts of novel electrochromic displays architectures using prospective life cycle assessment. LCM 2023.
Koyamparambath, A., Baehr, J., dos Reis, E., Adibi, N., Szablewski, C., Schebek, L., & Sonnemann, G. (2023). A Novel Framework using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Environmental Impacts of Construction Products. The 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Management.
Leroy-parmentier, N., Loubet, P., Saint Jean, M., & Sonnemann, G. (2023). Life cycle sustainability assessment and raw material criticality assessment as inter-related tools for supply chain risks management : the case of bio-based solvents. Life Cycle Management Conference.
Mas-Fons, A., Koyamparambath, A., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2023). Natural and synthetic graphite | Trade-offs between carbon footprint and supply risk of different sourcing options. IRTC Conference.
Mas-Fons, A., Arduin, R. H., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2023). Development of simulation-based life cycle inventory for battery- grade lithium carbonate produced from different sources. LCM 2023.
Raccary, B., Loubet, P., Pérès, C., & Sonnemann, G. (2022). Life cycle assessment of sample preparation in analytical chemistry: a case study on SBSE and SPE techniques. International Symposium on Green Chemistry.
Lee, D., Glogic, E., Duverger-Nedellec, E., Aubert, G., Aymonier, C., & Sonneman, G. (2022). Life cycle assessment of recycling of polymer-bonded magnets in supercritical hydrothermal reactor. EcoBalance 2022.
Loubet, P., & Erradhouani, B. (2022). A methodology to account for plastic emissions and associated impacts from seafood supply chains. Application to French case studies. 82nd LCA Discussion Forum – Addressing the Issue of Plastic Pollution: Status Quo and the Way Forward.
Glogic, E., Kamali, A. K., & Sonnemann, G. (2022). Building Industrial-Scale Life Cycle Inventories for Manufacturing Bio-Based Activated Carbon. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting.
Koyamparambath, A., Young, S., Santillán‐Saldivar, J., & Sonnemann, G. (2022). Operationalizing the Geopolitical Supply Risk Potential Indicator – the recommended “outside-in” resource criticality indicator for LCA. LCIC 2022.
Lee, D., Kim, J., Sonneman, G., & Park, H.-S. (2022). Structural decomposition analysis of changes in South Korea’s industrial hazardous waste generation. EcoBalance 2022.
Raccary, B., Loubet, P., Pérès, C., & Sonnemann, G. (2022). L’analyse du cycle de vie appliquée à la chimie analytique : poser les bonnes questions et savoir y répondre. Analytics 2022.
Erradhouani, B., & Loubet, P. (2022). Characterization of plastic emissions into Life Cycle Assessment. WCPT9 Madrid.
Leroy-Parmentier, N., Valdivia, S., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2022). Alignment of seven of the Life Cycle Initiative’s principles for the application of LCSA with the practice : Case studies review. S-LCA Conference: Leave No One Behind.
Schrijvers, D., Fiorletta, M., Sonnemann, G., Garcia, J., & Osset, P. (2021). Recommendations to calculate and communicate avoided GHG emissions. EcoBalance 2021.
Schrijvers, D., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2021). Using results of Attributional LCA in an economic sustainability assessment. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting.
Schrijvers, D., Fiorletta, M., Sonnemann, G., Garcia, J., & Osset, P. (2020). Lower footprint or avoided emissions? Unambiguous calculation and communication of carbon savings. 2nd Life Cycle Innovation Conference.
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Loubet, P., Laratte, B., Muller, S., Villeneuve, J., & Sonnemann, G. (2020). Towards interim characterization factors to account for the dissipation of non-energetic abiotic resource in life cycle assessment. SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting.
Jourdaine, M., Loubet, P., Martini, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2020). Single score of bottled wines: comparison of Beaujolais wines using latest life cycle impact assessment methods including PEF weighting and normalization schemes. LCA Food : 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food.
Schrijvers, D., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2020). Le rôle de l’ACV dans l’évaluation de la criticité des matières premières et dans l’analyse de la durabilité du cycle de vie. EcoSD Atelier Thématiques Annuel 2020 « De l’épuisement à La Criticité Des Ressources En ACV, Quels Enjeux Pour l’écoconception? ».
Mas Fons, A., Horta Arduin, R., Loubet, P., Abadias Llamas, A., Gayle Gumban, C., & Sonnemann, G. (2020). Life cycle inventory of lithium production: assessment of current datasets and gaps to improve LCA studies. International Conference on EcoBalance.
Jourdaine, M., Loubet, P., Trebucq, S., & Sonnemann, G. (2020). Vers un nouveau modèle ABCV : proposition d’intégration des méthodes ABC (activity-based costing) et ACV (analyse de cycle de vie). 41ème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité.
Loubet, P., Maury, T., Micolier, A., Sonnemann, G., & Helias, A. (2020). Development of a parsimonious characterization model to address space debris emission-related damages for the LCIA of space systems. SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting.
Gicquiaud, J., Toullec, P., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). How to simplify the assessment of life cycle impacts for new organic reaction ? International Symposium of Green Chemistry.
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Loubet, P., Laratte, B., Villeneuve, J., Muller, S., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). Development of a conceptual framework and its associated indicator to take the dissipation of non-energetic abiotic resources into account within Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). 16e Colloque National S-Mart.
Santillán-Saldivar, J., Cimprich, A., Young, S. B., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). Developing the Geopolitical Supply Risk Method : From a new method in research to a suggested tool to assess risk mitigation. CILCA 2019 VIII Conferencia Internacional En Análisis de Ciclo de Vida En Latinoamérica.
Maury, T., Serrano, S. M., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Colombo, C., & Innocenti, L. (2019). Space debris through the prism of the environmental performance of space systems : the case of Sentinel-3 redesigned mission. First International Orbital Debris Conf.
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Laratte, B., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). Development of a conceptual framework to take the dissipation of non- energetic abiotic resources into account within Life Cycle Assessment. EcoDesign 2019 International Symposium.
Maury, T., Loubet, P., Colombo, C., Gallice, A., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). When “dissipative use” leads to environmental impacts: the case of space missions related impact on the orbital resource. SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting.
Santillán-Saldivar, J., Cimprich, A., Young, S. B., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). Extending the Geopolitical Supply Risk Method : Potential for recycling as a risk mitigation strategy. SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting.
Schrijvers, D. L., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2019). Using relative market prices to better evaluate the environmental benefits of the circular economy. SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting.
Charpentier Poncelet, A., Loubet, P., Laratte, B., & Villeneuve, J. (2019). Development of a conceptual framework to take the dissipation of non-energetic abiotic resources into account within Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting.
Cimprich, A., Bach, V., Helbig, C., Thorenz, A., Schrijvers, D., Sonnemann, G., Young, S. B., & Sonderegger, T. (2018). From the outside in: integrating product-level commodity supply risk within life cycle sustainability assessment. Ecobalance 2018 - The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance - October 9-12 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Maury, T., Colombo, C., Loubet, P., Trisolini, M., Gallice, A., & Sonnemann Guido. (2018). Integrating space debris modeling to environmental impact studies via the LCA Framework. 5th European Workshop on Space Debris Modeling and Remediation, CNES HQ.
Maury, T., Loubet, P., Colombo, C., Trisolini, M., Gallice, A., & Sonnemann, G. (2018). Considering Space Debris related impacts into the LCIA framework. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting.
Schrijvers, D., & Sonnemann, G. (2018). Identifying environmental supply risks of recycled Rare Earth Elements using Life Cycle Assessment. Resources for Future Generations, Vancouver.
Gallice, A., Maury, T., & Olmo, E. (2018). Environmental impact of the exploitation of the Ariane 6 launcher system. Clean Space Industrial Days.
Schrijvers, D. L., & Sonnemann, G. (2018). Consistent allocation using archetypes of LCA Goal and Scope definitions. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting.
Schrijvers, D. L., Loubet, P., & Sonnemann, G. (2018). The complementary use of attributional and consequential LCA for policy support. Ecobalance 2018 - The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance - October 9-12 2018, Tokyo, Japan.